Electronics & Communication Engineering

The Electronics and Communication Engineering (SS) Programme was started in 2008 and the programme is approved by AICTE, New Delhi.

Advanced Communication Systems, Microcontroller, Very large Scale Integration, Embedded Systems,Bio Medical Instrumentation,Electronic Devices and Circuits, Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation, ’C‘ programming, Industrial Electronics, Communication Engineering, Digital Electronics, Linear Integrated Circuits.

Electronics Devices and Circuits Practical, Electrical Circuits and Instrumentation practical, Programming in ‘C’ Practical , Life and Employability Skill Practical, Industrial Electronics and Communication Engineering Practical, Integrated Circuit Practical, PC Hardware and Networking Practical, Advanced Communication Systems Practical, Microcontroller Practical, Very Large Scale Integration Practical, Embedded Systems and Simulation Practical.

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated to The State Board of Technical Education & Training, DoTE Chennai.

Second Year:

Passed 12th Std. Examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects along with one of the Mathematics/ Biology (Botany and Zoology) or 12th Science (with Mathematics as one of the Subject) or 12th Science with Vocational or 12th Science with Technical or 10th + (2 years ITI) with appropriate Trade in that order shall be eligible for admission to Second Year Diploma Course(s) of appropriate Program.

As per State Government norms

As per State Government norms

Fees Structure

Above 350/500 or 750/1200375035007250375011000