(Approved by AICTE, NewDelhi & Affiliated to DOTE, Tamilnadu)
About Ramachandra Polytechnic College
Sri Ramachandra Polytechnic College aims to impart quality technical education to the students of rural and semi-urban locations. The nature of the college inculcates discipline, smart work and communication improvements to the students. Other than the rigorous academic environment, our students are taught with various skill development and entrepreneurial lessons. Regular programs by various industries is conducted in our campus regularly. In an nutshell, our college strives to achieve holistic development in a student.
To improve knowledge and competency on a continual basis. To provide hands on training for imparting skills. To focus on industrial internships and training.
To disseminate knowledge through Digital information and visual media. To impart values and professional ethics for serving the society.
To provide strong fundamental knowledge in engineering and technology. To impart hands on training in frontier areas of skills needed for Industries.
To disseminate codes of conduct and ethics to serve the society. To create value addition in education and contribute for good national progress.
To be an Institution of Excellence in engineering and technology by imparting quality education and skill training in transforming the overall personality of students to serve the society and nation.